Sunday, October 5, 2008

It’s like sex—only better!

It’s like sex—only better!

The Reference Interview and Reference Transaction: It’s like sex—only better!
The intimacy—the interpersonal rapport and trust and vulnerability and openness—of the reference relationship is definitely a lot like sex. When it’s done right, it can be the most fulfilling act on earth. Both parties separate feeling completely satisfied, smiling, all aglow, and looking forward to their next encounter.
If it’s done wrong, however, one or both of the parties can leave the meeting feeling hurt and betrayed and never ever wanting to see the other ever again. It can be extremely painful . It can destroy egos with a single misspoken word.
Each get-together is fraught with tension. It is exciting and fearful at the same time.
Of course, many of these things are true of all human interactions. But it does give one a different perspective to look at the reference transaction in Freudian terms, doesn’t it?

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